When do Havanese puppies calm down?

Havanese puppies, like all puppies, can be full of energy and excitement as they grow and explore their world. It is important to understand that the process of calming down varies from one dog to another and is influenced by factors such as breed, individual personality, and upbringing. Generally, Havanese puppies will start to show signs of calming down as they reach maturity, which typically occurs around 1 to 2 years of age. However, some Havanese dogs may continue to exhibit high energy levels well into their adult years.

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Factors that influence when a Havanese puppy calms down

Several factors can influence when and how quickly a Havanese puppy calms down, including:

  1. Socialization: Proper socialization during the critical developmental period, which occurs between 3 and 14 weeks of age, is essential for a well-rounded and calm adult dog. During this time, expose your Havanese puppy to various environments, people, and other animals to help them become comfortable with new situations and stimuli. Positive experiences during this period can lead to a more confident and calm adult dog.
  2. Training: Consistent, positive reinforcement-based training can help teach your Havanese puppy essential manners and self-control, which in turn can contribute to a calmer demeanor. Training should start early and continue throughout the dog’s life, with basic obedience commands such as “sit,” “stay,” and “come” being taught during puppyhood. As your Havanese puppy matures, you can introduce more advanced commands and tricks to keep them mentally stimulated.
  3. Exercise: Providing your Havanese puppy with adequate exercise can help them expend excess energy and reduce hyperactivity. Havanese puppies typically require at least 30 minutes of exercise per day, which can include walks, playtime, or other forms of physical activity. Keep in mind that puppies may have shorter attention spans and tire more quickly than adult dogs, so exercise sessions should be tailored to suit their needs and abilities.
  4. Mental stimulation: In addition to physical exercise, mental stimulation is essential for a well-behaved and calm Havanese puppy. Puzzle toys, treat-dispensing toys, and interactive games can help keep your puppy’s mind engaged and prevent boredom, which can contribute to hyperactivity or destructive behaviors.
  5. Routine: Establishing a consistent routine for feeding, exercise, and sleep can help create a sense of stability and security for your Havanese puppy, promoting a calm demeanor. Puppies thrive on routine, and knowing what to expect can help reduce anxiety and excessive energy.
  6. Patience and understanding: As your Havanese puppy grows and matures, it is crucial to be patient and understanding. Puppies will naturally go through phases of high energy and exploration, and it is essential to manage your expectations and adapt your approach as needed. Recognize that your puppy is learning and developing, and with consistent guidance, they will eventually become a calmer adult dog.
  7. Genetics and temperament: Some Havanese puppies may naturally have a more energetic or excitable temperament due to their genetic makeup. In these cases, it may take longer for the puppy to calm down, and they may continue to display higher energy levels throughout their life. It is essential to understand and accept your dog’s unique personality and adapt your training and care approach accordingly.

As your Havanese puppy matures, it is essential to continue reinforcing good behavior and providing them with appropriate outlets for their energy. Regular exercise, mental stimulation, and a consistent routine can help create a stable and well-rounded adult dog. It is also crucial to maintain a strong bond with your Havanese, as a trusting relationship can contribute to a calmer demeanor and overall happiness.


In conclusion, Havanese puppies will generally start to calm down as they reach maturity at around 1 to 2 years of age. However, this timeline can vary based on individual temperament, genetics, and upbringing. To help your Havanese puppy develop into a calm and well-behaved adult dog, it is essential to provide proper socialization, consistent training, adequate exercise, mental stimulation, and a stable routine. Additionally, patience and understanding are crucial as your puppy navigates the various developmental stages.

As a responsible pet owner, it is also essential to monitor your Havanese dog’s health and well-being throughout their life. Regular veterinary check-ups, vaccinations, and preventative care measures can help ensure that your dog remains healthy and happy. Maintaining a strong bond with your Havanese through regular interaction, affection, and communication can also contribute to their overall contentment and calm demeanor.

In some cases, if you find that your Havanese puppy continues to exhibit excessive energy levels or behavior issues despite your best efforts, it may be helpful to consult with a professional dog trainer or a veterinary behaviorist for additional guidance and support. These experts can provide personalized advice and techniques to help address your dog’s unique needs and challenges.

Remember that every Havanese dog is an individual, and calming down can occur at different stages in their lives. By providing a supportive, nurturing environment and addressing your puppy’s physical and emotional needs, you can help them develop into a well-adjusted, calm, and content adult dog. Ultimately, the time and effort you invest in raising a Havanese puppy will be rewarded with a loyal, loving, and well-behaved companion for years to come.

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