
Below are some more great dog and general pet-related resources…

Animal Bliss – A great blog about all kinds of animals, including dogs.
Best Dog Sites – A human-edited Web directory for dog sites.
I Love Cavalier King Charles Spaniels – All about Cavalier King Charles Spaniels & the People Who Love Them!
The German Shepherd Rescue Trust – a privately operated service dedicated to the well being and long term care of German Shepherd dogs in New Zealand.
K-9 Cart Co. East – K-9 Cart Company East. The Pet Mobility Experts. K9 Carts is the original patented dog wheelchair company for paralyzed pets developed and owned by a veterinary orthopedic surgeon.
Directory of Breed of Dogs from English Bull Terrier Club – Dog Breeds
Cascandra Pets Directory
The – A popular resource to learn about all pets and find local breeders. Add your listing. – The dog lover’s online directory.
Best Dog Sites – A human-edited Web directory for dog sites.
Dog Directory – A directory of the best dog sites.
Blog Directory